Thursday, October 18, 2012

Preach The Gospel, Not About The Gospel

"Another way I can put that is to say that we are not called just to say things about the Gospel. I remember a type of preaching fifty years ago or more, which was often described as 'praising the Gospel'. The comment on the sermon and the preacher was that he had praised the Gospel. He had been saying wonderful things about it, or showing how wonderful it was. I suggest that that is wrong. the Gospel is wonderful, the Gospel is to be praised, but that is not the preacher's primary task. He is to 'present', to declare the Gospel. 
"Or let me put it like this. The business of the preacher is not to present the Gospel academically. This again is done frequently. The preacher can analyze it and who its parts and proportions, and show how excellent it is; but still he is saying things about the Gospel, whereas we are called to preach the Gospel, to convey it, and to bring it directly to the individuals who are listening to us, and to bring it to the whole man. So let us be clear that we are not talking about the Gospel as if it were something outside us. We are involved in it; we are not to look at it just as a subject, and to say things about it; it itself is being directly presented and conveyed to the congregation through us" (emphasis mine).
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Preaching & Preachers (Zondervan, 2011), p. 78-79.

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